On the 21st of August 2018, Executive Director of the EMS Foundation, Michele Pickover and Director of Ban Animal Trading, Dr Smaragda Louw jointly presented the outcome of their eighteen month investigation into South Africa’s role in the international lion bone trade at the Colloquium on Captive Lion Breeding for Hunting and the Lion Bone Trade in the Parliament of South Africa.
On the 7th of December 2018, the Portfolio Committee on Environmental Affairs welcomed the adoption of the Report from the Colloquium. There was an overwhelming consensus from the local and international stakeholders participating in the colloquium that South Africa must bring an end to this controversial practise that is threatening to harm the proud conservation image of South Africa.
On the 10th of October 2019 Barbara Creecy, Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment appointed an Advisory Committee to review policies, legislation and practises related to the management, breeding, hunting, trade and handling of elephant, lion, leopard and rhinoceros in South Africa. Irresponsible and unsustainable practises, inconsistent with the spirit and letter of the law, could be detrimental to wildlife conservation and sustainable development thus fuelling negative public sentiments on matters of captive breeding, handling, hunting and trade in lions, elephants, leopard and rhinoceros specimens with implications on the country’s reputation.
On the 2nd May 2021 Minister Barbara Creecy released the findings contained in the Report of the High Level Panel. Minister Creecy acknowledged the view that the captive lion breeding industry did not contribute to conservation and was doing damage to South Africa’s conservation and tourism reputation.
©2018 EMS Foundation and Ban Animal Trading. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication maybe reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without permission in writing.
Image Credit: EMS Foundation.
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South Africa
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