26 Aug
In response, the Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries (DEFF) revealed that that the government is holding 27 tonnes of rhino horn through SANParks and other government bodies. This consists of 15,003 horns. The PAIA response also states that the total number of horns held privately is 18,884, amounting to 22 tonnes. This makes the average weight of the government horns 1,8kg and the average private horn 1.19kg. The average front horn of a white rhino weighs 4 kg, so the weight discrepancy needs to be explained. Horns accruing from natural mortality (combining government and private stockpiles) weigh 45 tonnes, while confiscated horn is 25 tonnes.
The proposed regulations establish a system for permits to be issued for a person to “sell give, donate, buy, receive, accept as a gift or donate, or in any similar way dispose of or acquire, a rhinoceros horn”. While this system appears to be targeting so-called ‘domestic’ trade in rhino horn within the borders of South Africa, it is highly likely that such legal trade will be exploited to smuggle rhino horn to the key Asian markets where consumers are willing to pay ‘top dollar’ for it.
We respectfully urge you to publicly denounce the syndicates responsible for South Africa’s rhino poaching crisis and allocate adequate resources to investigate and prosecute these criminals to the full extent of the law. By taking swift action South Africa can overcome the immense challenges threatening the continued survival of the rhino and once again save […]
We understand CNN – U.S. will be airing a pre-recorded interview with the CEO of Born Free USA, Prashant Khetan, on January 11 and a live conversation between Mr. Khetan and Philip Glass, a hunter featured in Trophy, on January 12. We are respectfully asking you to please reconsider airing this “shockumentary” on your esteemed […]
The proposed regulations have come as a shock to the local and international community and the adoption of these regulations will not only turn South Africa into a pariah State but it will lose any credibility in the conservation and enforcement arena. Read the full document © 2017 EMS Foundation. All rights reserved.
This Report tries to unpack South Africa’s role in a world where Africa’s animals are literally “Under Siege”. We highlight an obvious pattern: legal trade in both ivory and rhino horn is part of the problem and should be prohibited, because it has been used to launder illegal ivory and rhino horn which in turn […]
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